Saturday, February 14, 2009

In the wee small hours of the Morning...
Oh, when we first started talking about having a baby, I was so excited! We were going to create this little person who is just like us! Well, that has definitely come true. Like Edward and me, our little girl has the sleeping habits of us, down to the "t". She naps from about 8-10:30 pm, then we keep her up or give her a bath until about midnight... then down for the night. Last night we were running a bit late, but when she woke up from her "nap" - she really woke up! Our little night hawk was smiley and excited, kicking up a storm, at 12:30 am! Ha! One thing that I didn't think through when we talked about this baby thing... was how often she would be up in the middle of the night. So, here I am, 4:50 in the am, just finished pumping and listening to little miss noisey on the baby monitor, trying to settle in for the night. Well, all done and off to bed!

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