How do you explain to a two month old that mommy had other things to do than hold her all the time? You know, like to eat, sleep and pee?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Case of the Mondays...
Ugh. It is so not cool to have a cold when you have a small baby. Everytime I cough, I startle her. We realized last night that Ed and I have never been sick at the same time before. There is a first time for everything. Usually one of us takes care of the other, but this time... no such luck. I have to be both parents and take care of the big baby as well as the little. Luckily he found that he responds well to dayquil, so he's hyped up on meds at work right now. I could really use a babysitter who's had the cold - so I could get some sleep.
Yesterday Lily was being a little fussy, she was a little over stimulated I think and was crying in front of the chinese clan. Normally she's so cuddly and doesn't care who is holding her. So when we got home last night she was a little calmer and dozed off right away while drinking her bottle. She was a little fussy when I put her in bed though, so I brought her back into bed with us. She fell asleep next to me, and slept like a rock from about one until 4, but then she fell asleep again before I even tried to do anything. She woke up again around 6! (I didn't get a lot of sleep though because of the coughing and being worried about her) It was so cute though, because she is a tummy sleeper (although I know you are supposed to put them on their backs... but she end up on her side/tummy most of the time on her own) and had her little but sticking up in the air. So cute... I wonder if I should just bring her to bed with me tonight... maybe I can get some sleep!
Ugh. It is so not cool to have a cold when you have a small baby. Everytime I cough, I startle her. We realized last night that Ed and I have never been sick at the same time before. There is a first time for everything. Usually one of us takes care of the other, but this time... no such luck. I have to be both parents and take care of the big baby as well as the little. Luckily he found that he responds well to dayquil, so he's hyped up on meds at work right now. I could really use a babysitter who's had the cold - so I could get some sleep.
Yesterday Lily was being a little fussy, she was a little over stimulated I think and was crying in front of the chinese clan. Normally she's so cuddly and doesn't care who is holding her. So when we got home last night she was a little calmer and dozed off right away while drinking her bottle. She was a little fussy when I put her in bed though, so I brought her back into bed with us. She fell asleep next to me, and slept like a rock from about one until 4, but then she fell asleep again before I even tried to do anything. She woke up again around 6! (I didn't get a lot of sleep though because of the coughing and being worried about her) It was so cute though, because she is a tummy sleeper (although I know you are supposed to put them on their backs... but she end up on her side/tummy most of the time on her own) and had her little but sticking up in the air. So cute... I wonder if I should just bring her to bed with me tonight... maybe I can get some sleep!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
To buy or not to buy...
So for the last few months, Ed has mentioned that he was going to buy me a laptop for my birthday. To be honest, I was kinda excited, but I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up, because I know money is a little tight. So, when we filed our taxes and figured out that we were going to be getting a decent amount for a refund this year, I was kinda hoping that I would be getting one. Unfortunately, that was not the case, although I don't blame Ed. Instead he wants to pay off one of my two credit cards and make a big payment on the other one - so it looks better when we look to get a mortgage in a few months. Makes complete sense... just makes me a bit sad. Ed gave me a laptop six years ago when I was finishing my undergrad degree and it was one of the greatest gifts he has given me! (He also gave me an awesome iMac three years ago) Unfortunately about a year ago the laptop's video card died... and I had to go to my dad for a temporary replacement. I've gone through three lappys from my dad. The current one is OK, but it often will stop working, doesn't find the internet connection and has no volume. Plus, it's a bit on the slow side. So, when Ed was talking about getting a new computer, I was super excited. When we were at dinner we talked about it, and we decided that we are going to get me one, but there would be no money from the tax return for spending money for me! Yay! I'm OK with that... so Ed looked at his watch, and said "bummer... the apple store just closed." Damn. On the drive home, I had convinced me that I shouldn't get one... the money would probably be better spent in some other way. But of course, when I went to use my laptop when I got home - the damned thing wouldn't work! Oy! What to do... what to do...
So for the last few months, Ed has mentioned that he was going to buy me a laptop for my birthday. To be honest, I was kinda excited, but I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up, because I know money is a little tight. So, when we filed our taxes and figured out that we were going to be getting a decent amount for a refund this year, I was kinda hoping that I would be getting one. Unfortunately, that was not the case, although I don't blame Ed. Instead he wants to pay off one of my two credit cards and make a big payment on the other one - so it looks better when we look to get a mortgage in a few months. Makes complete sense... just makes me a bit sad. Ed gave me a laptop six years ago when I was finishing my undergrad degree and it was one of the greatest gifts he has given me! (He also gave me an awesome iMac three years ago) Unfortunately about a year ago the laptop's video card died... and I had to go to my dad for a temporary replacement. I've gone through three lappys from my dad. The current one is OK, but it often will stop working, doesn't find the internet connection and has no volume. Plus, it's a bit on the slow side. So, when Ed was talking about getting a new computer, I was super excited. When we were at dinner we talked about it, and we decided that we are going to get me one, but there would be no money from the tax return for spending money for me! Yay! I'm OK with that... so Ed looked at his watch, and said "bummer... the apple store just closed." Damn. On the drive home, I had convinced me that I shouldn't get one... the money would probably be better spent in some other way. But of course, when I went to use my laptop when I got home - the damned thing wouldn't work! Oy! What to do... what to do...
On Today's Docket...
Heading down home today to renew my drivers licence. Yikes! I have been dreading this for a while, cause I wasn't sure which state to renew it for. I don't know what our long range plans are for a house, but it will probably be in IL, so I'm just going to renew it instead of going for a WI license. Bridget is going to go with me, cause she still hasn't renewed her registration for her car... from October. Duh!
Fran and I are going to have some sisterly time tonight where we are going to make a pair of sleepy pants for ourselves. Yay! That should be fun!
Ed is going downtown to meet up with some friends...
Heading down home today to renew my drivers licence. Yikes! I have been dreading this for a while, cause I wasn't sure which state to renew it for. I don't know what our long range plans are for a house, but it will probably be in IL, so I'm just going to renew it instead of going for a WI license. Bridget is going to go with me, cause she still hasn't renewed her registration for her car... from October. Duh!
Fran and I are going to have some sisterly time tonight where we are going to make a pair of sleepy pants for ourselves. Yay! That should be fun!
Ed is going downtown to meet up with some friends...
The Big 3-0
Oh, it finally happened - I turned 30. I was never really worried or freaked out about turning thirty... I just had some small goals which I wanted to accomplish by the time I reached that magical birthday - and I really have succeeded in all but one of them. Some examples on my list...
✓ Graduate College
✓ Finish my Masters Degree
✓ Move Away from home
✓ Get Married
✓ Have a Baby - phew, just barely
― Own my own home
Edward took me out to dinner and we were chatting about the "list". I guess having accomplished all that stuff has made me feel better about the "transition", although it didn't feel as special as previous birthdays. We are going to be celebrating on Saturday night with some famjavascript:void(0)ily and friends, which should be fun!
A shout out to my sisters for coming to visit us up in Racine... and to watch the baby while we went to Milwaukee for some Sushi. She did well with them, although a bit fussy - but what do you expect from a seven week old baby? It was nice to hang out with them when we got back... we even ordered a pizza after midnight! I wish we lived a bit closer, so we do this more often!
Oh, it finally happened - I turned 30. I was never really worried or freaked out about turning thirty... I just had some small goals which I wanted to accomplish by the time I reached that magical birthday - and I really have succeeded in all but one of them. Some examples on my list...
✓ Graduate College
✓ Finish my Masters Degree
✓ Move Away from home
✓ Get Married
✓ Have a Baby - phew, just barely
― Own my own home
Edward took me out to dinner and we were chatting about the "list". I guess having accomplished all that stuff has made me feel better about the "transition", although it didn't feel as special as previous birthdays. We are going to be celebrating on Saturday night with some famjavascript:void(0)ily and friends, which should be fun!
A shout out to my sisters for coming to visit us up in Racine... and to watch the baby while we went to Milwaukee for some Sushi. She did well with them, although a bit fussy - but what do you expect from a seven week old baby? It was nice to hang out with them when we got back... we even ordered a pizza after midnight! I wish we lived a bit closer, so we do this more often!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Belly Button
I visited the doctor this morning with little Miss Lily to have her belly button "checked out". It became obvious a few weeks back that her little button is herniated! Poor little thing. It wiggles around and started sticking out more the other day, so I figured I should just have it checked out by her Ped. When I mentioned it to my mom, she said she'd heard of people who would tape a half dollar over it, to help stick it back into the belly... and wanted me to ask the doctor if he'd heard of people doing it. So this morning at the doctors office, he explained to me what it was, and that is was good of me to have it checked in. While I had never seen it happen before it is rather common, and was not the worst case that he has seen. Thank Goodness! He said it should be fine and should stop sticking out by the time she enters Kindergarten. When I asked him about the coin thing, he said that he's seen people come in with coins taped to their baby's little bellies or irritated skin around the belly button, an obvious hint that something was up. I don't think I'm going to take that route...
What Lily's little belly looks like
I visited the doctor this morning with little Miss Lily to have her belly button "checked out". It became obvious a few weeks back that her little button is herniated! Poor little thing. It wiggles around and started sticking out more the other day, so I figured I should just have it checked out by her Ped. When I mentioned it to my mom, she said she'd heard of people who would tape a half dollar over it, to help stick it back into the belly... and wanted me to ask the doctor if he'd heard of people doing it. So this morning at the doctors office, he explained to me what it was, and that is was good of me to have it checked in. While I had never seen it happen before it is rather common, and was not the worst case that he has seen. Thank Goodness! He said it should be fine and should stop sticking out by the time she enters Kindergarten. When I asked him about the coin thing, he said that he's seen people come in with coins taped to their baby's little bellies or irritated skin around the belly button, an obvious hint that something was up. I don't think I'm going to take that route...
What Lily's little belly looks like
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
It's my favorite holiday of the year, except for my birthday... in three days! Ed couldn't wait to give me my Valentine's gift and my birthday gift... crazy kid. For Valentine's Day, he gave me a nice silver chain, to replace the one which broke a few weeks ago. For my birthday he gave me a little silver charm with a little piece of Blue Topaz, Lily's birthstone. So cute. He's knew just what I wanted!
It's my favorite holiday of the year, except for my birthday... in three days! Ed couldn't wait to give me my Valentine's gift and my birthday gift... crazy kid. For Valentine's Day, he gave me a nice silver chain, to replace the one which broke a few weeks ago. For my birthday he gave me a little silver charm with a little piece of Blue Topaz, Lily's birthstone. So cute. He's knew just what I wanted!
In the wee small hours of the Morning...
Oh, when we first started talking about having a baby, I was so excited! We were going to create this little person who is just like us! Well, that has definitely come true. Like Edward and me, our little girl has the sleeping habits of us, down to the "t". She naps from about 8-10:30 pm, then we keep her up or give her a bath until about midnight... then down for the night. Last night we were running a bit late, but when she woke up from her "nap" - she really woke up! Our little night hawk was smiley and excited, kicking up a storm, at 12:30 am! Ha! One thing that I didn't think through when we talked about this baby thing... was how often she would be up in the middle of the night. So, here I am, 4:50 in the am, just finished pumping and listening to little miss noisey on the baby monitor, trying to settle in for the night. Well, all done and off to bed!
Oh, when we first started talking about having a baby, I was so excited! We were going to create this little person who is just like us! Well, that has definitely come true. Like Edward and me, our little girl has the sleeping habits of us, down to the "t". She naps from about 8-10:30 pm, then we keep her up or give her a bath until about midnight... then down for the night. Last night we were running a bit late, but when she woke up from her "nap" - she really woke up! Our little night hawk was smiley and excited, kicking up a storm, at 12:30 am! Ha! One thing that I didn't think through when we talked about this baby thing... was how often she would be up in the middle of the night. So, here I am, 4:50 in the am, just finished pumping and listening to little miss noisey on the baby monitor, trying to settle in for the night. Well, all done and off to bed!
Friday, February 13, 2009
First time Mommy worries
So as with most moms, I have some concerns, which makes me call my own mom. I feel like such a dork calling her at work to ask about what to do about the sore spot in between the layers of fat on her neck, but what is a clueless first time mom to do? Today I placed a call at the Dr.'s office for Lily to get her belly button looked at - it's herniated and now seems to be popping out a bit more than in the past. (Freaked out Mommy moment at diaper change, but Daddy agreed that we should look into it.) Now I was freaking (crying) about the amount of milk I appear to be pumping now days. It seems like I'm not making as much, but then again... I keep on skipping meals and haven't been drinking as much water as I should be while nursing/pumping. Oy! Ed assures me that it should get better... and give it time. There is a part of me that is sad, thinking that I could possible be unable to feed my daughter with my own milk. It's not the end of the world, I know, but still...
So as with most moms, I have some concerns, which makes me call my own mom. I feel like such a dork calling her at work to ask about what to do about the sore spot in between the layers of fat on her neck, but what is a clueless first time mom to do? Today I placed a call at the Dr.'s office for Lily to get her belly button looked at - it's herniated and now seems to be popping out a bit more than in the past. (Freaked out Mommy moment at diaper change, but Daddy agreed that we should look into it.) Now I was freaking (crying) about the amount of milk I appear to be pumping now days. It seems like I'm not making as much, but then again... I keep on skipping meals and haven't been drinking as much water as I should be while nursing/pumping. Oy! Ed assures me that it should get better... and give it time. There is a part of me that is sad, thinking that I could possible be unable to feed my daughter with my own milk. It's not the end of the world, I know, but still...
Welcome to the Blogworld Little Sister...
I would like to introduce the blogging world to my little sister Fran.
So talented. First the purses, the baking, detailed sewing, the etsy website and now the Blog World!
A Sample of Fran's excellent skills! A miniature Cheongsam (chinese style) dress for her one month Red Egg and Ginger Party
I would like to introduce the blogging world to my little sister Fran.
So talented. First the purses, the baking, detailed sewing, the etsy website and now the Blog World!
A Sample of Fran's excellent skills! A miniature Cheongsam (chinese style) dress for her one month Red Egg and Ginger Party
Back on the Bandwagon... with some additions
So back when I created my blog, I was really good about the whole thing. I tried to get online as much as possible to share and discuss things in my life and the world. Well, things have been a bit busy and I lost track of time and have let it go again.
Well, now I have a bit of focus in my pointless rants - mommyhood! On December 26th Edward and I welcomed a healthy 5# 15 oz baby girl! Lilyanne is a great mixture of both of us and a great addition to the family. So, needless to say, we've been a bit busy. I spend a lot of time on the couch now days though, chillin' with the wee one, and pumping. Thank goodness for our DVR/Cable Box, the Electric Pump we got & my laptop - something to distract me in my few down minutes.
So back when I created my blog, I was really good about the whole thing. I tried to get online as much as possible to share and discuss things in my life and the world. Well, things have been a bit busy and I lost track of time and have let it go again.
Well, now I have a bit of focus in my pointless rants - mommyhood! On December 26th Edward and I welcomed a healthy 5# 15 oz baby girl! Lilyanne is a great mixture of both of us and a great addition to the family. So, needless to say, we've been a bit busy. I spend a lot of time on the couch now days though, chillin' with the wee one, and pumping. Thank goodness for our DVR/Cable Box, the Electric Pump we got & my laptop - something to distract me in my few down minutes.
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